martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

"Trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen" is a Aleman book and it mean "Man´s search for meaning". The book was written by an Austrian psychiatrist named Viktor Frankl. The book is very interesting and I like because speaks about the terrible experience and miserable life of a  man in the concentration camps in the era Nazi, the man suffer many tortures and unfair penaltys. Is a incredible and sad history, and is perfect for learn to value the life, the family and the exist meaning with the other people in the world.
I read this book in the school in philosophy course, when I was sixteen years old.
Is a great book for read in any moment and think about the life and the tolerance between the different persons, with other thought.

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

My life in a few words...

My name is Sofía, and I´m twenty four years old, I was born in Santiago and I live with may grandparents and my brother in Maipú. I have many pets, one dog, three cats, two hamsters, one turtle and one spider, they are very special for me. I work all week in the afternoon before of the university in a supermarket in Pudahuel, is a very good job but so tired. The weekend I like go to the cinema with my boyfriend, go to the parties and sleep a lot. In my holydays I like travel and meet many beautiful places with my friends and my family.

Well this is my life in a few words, but in general I have very wonderful moments and I´m very happy.

Good bye...