lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

Hello friends:

The truth is there are many  famous people interesting to know, but there an actor in particuar that I'd love to meet because I find very talented and I really like his movies and all the characters you have made. This actor is Johnny Depp, I would like to tell him everything I admire your work, in addition to talk me about his experiences filming movies.

It would also be very interesting to ask what has been the character that he liked to perform, and what has been the most difficult to achieve. Ask him what his favorite movie and an celebrity him that admire or who was inspired to become an actor.

I would go with him to his home to meet his extravagant tastes, meet his family, and share a meal with him and to show me the current project you are working on, and if has social ambitions and charitable projects. Finally, I would like that will visit Chile with me.

3 comentarios:

  1. Sofiii <3!!
    I like Jhonny Deep too :) He is a crazy person and I like that! :)besides he is a great actor

  2. Hi sofi!!
    I very like Jhonny Deep is a man very beatifull and is a god actor, but is a man attractive and very funny jajajaj I am adore his character in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean"

  3. Jhonny always participes of movies freaks jajaja, I like!
