lunes, 29 de julio de 2013

the end...!!!

hello bloggers...!!

My personal opinion on the experience of having a blog is very comfortable, because you can review all the different topics that are published, it is also very entertaining because it is a playful and practical way to learn English, as I think it is a very unconsciously teaches us useful slowly develop ourselves better and comunircarnos and interact with peers and share interesting perspectives, give my opinion in regard to all the issues and get to know the other bloggers, is very nice. I think the blog more attractive was to Charlotte, because it was so beautiful and well structured, to music was the best, but the blog reading that I liked best was that of my friend Anita because I love her and she is a very happy and fun. I think I can only say positive things about having a blog, because I had never had one and I found very useful and fun to share.

jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

The TV show...

When I was a kid I loved watching television, because television programs were very interesting and fun, but I liked the children programanas as Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, Remi, etc.. But there is one I particularly liked, that was Spartacus and the sun beneath the sea is the title given to the French animated series Les Mondes engloutis ("The worlds engulfed") consisting of two seasons 26 episodes each, produced by France Animation and Antenna 2. The series was broadcast in Spain and Latin America with great success in the early 90s. I loved this series because when I was like seven years or so and went to school only thought to get home to watch TV and see Spartacus because it was a beautiful story of many feelings and very emotional, the story was fantastic, as I seems that taught us about the value of life, nature and family. He also taught me about the interaccración with people and my friends, was a world in which faith and positive vibes prevailed and were opposed constantly fighting against the evil that threatened them and the kids had a leading role to save and care for your world called Arcadia.

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

A Photograph


A pothograph that I love me, was taken in an amazing place to visit in the summer of 2010. It is a beautiful landscape of southern Chile, located in Patagonia, is the Torres del Paine National Park.
I love this photograph because they appreciate the majesty of the Paine Massif and the beauty of Lake Pehoe with its turquoise water is unforgettable landscape.
In the park I spent a week visiting the different places, and natural attractions it offers, also is very rich in flora and fauna, there are many native wildlife.
 This place is near Puerto Natales where there are beautiful places to visit, and there are very good and cheap hostels to stay for several days. Also visits a penguin reserve that is located on an island located in the Strait of Magellan called cupcake island is really beautiful.
This place is amazing, but the only thing bad is that all the places are very expensive, but we must look for the cheapest prices, plus the tours are very convenient and very popular visit and unmissable places to meet, as the glaciers in Argentina and those who are within the park. For all this it is an unforgettable place to visit, I went with my boyfriend and the trip was wonderful.



A place that I like very much is a restaurant of italian food named "Piccolino", is a pizzeria handmade very popular and traditional, is not expensive and the pizzas is delicious and originals, also delivers pizza delivery and the offer includes 2x1, very good . Is a place for go to the family and friends, but I like go to my boyfriend.

Another restaurant that the teacher mentioned is "Golfo di Napoli", I love this place, the italian food is exquisited, and the dishes they serve are huge, and is a very welcoming place and the attention is excellent, it is also important to say that is located in the commune of Providencia, is a perfect place to go to eat and have a good time.