miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

The perfect song...!!!

A exellent song...!!!

I love music, but the style of music that I like is hard rock and their lyrics are often very aggressive and depressive yet with his musicality are very very powerful songs I love. But I think to choose a song more harmonious and "perfect", I would like to talk about "thank you" by Alanis Morissette, I think it is a song that gives many instances to reflect and think about many issues and factors involved in the life of each of us the feelings and emotions that make it across and emerge different paths and destiny in life, is like to feeling so grateful  of all things, and experiences in the life, and all around us, and believe in people who are in our environment...

It is a very good song, and alanis is a tremendous artist,  singer, I love her style, and I think is one of the most talented female singers and very alternative, and I like many of their songs...!!!

3 comentarios:

  1. Oh, Alanis...she was really famous when I was like 12 years old...in 1994!!!!

    Time flies by!

    Remember to answer the survey: http://www.lapetus.uchile.cl/japeto/interior.php?id=105


  2. ever listen Alanis, but not memory while the song.


  3. hi, in my perfect song i writen the same single
