martes, 9 de abril de 2013

hello bloggers...!!!
In this chance I will write about my ambitions in the future respect to my life, and I think that is very important have dreams and objectives for achieve in the future because is very inspirational and motivational for the follow a good way.
Principally my first and big ambition is finish my career and be professional, work in my area and be very efficient and successful.
Respect to my emotional life, I would like be happy and have a stable family and achieve build a strong home with the person appropriate for share all a life.
In this moment of my life, the time, my preferences are focus in take care my family and my friends, also achieve travel for the world but shortly I would like go to the world cup Brazil 2014 because I like the football and Brazil is a country very interesting and beautiful to visit, for your people, culture and landscapes. I like meet new people and share different experiences.
The ambitions that i have are motivated for my ideas, lifestyle, family and my dreams, and comply would be too comforting and motivating to continue to achieve more objetives. I think eventually everyone's ambitions are very important to be persistent in everything you propose to achieve in the life.

2 comentarios:

  1. Aww!! Sofiii i hope you travel to brazil 2014 and achieve you dream :) Luck!!!!!!

  2. Sofi :) you are a great women :) I´ll hope your dreams come true :) <3 :) I love you my friend!
