jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

A film...!!!
I love go to the cinema because is very fun but I like see films in house to with my family, friends and my boyfriend. My favourite movie is "The lord of the rings", because is a amazing story and have a fantastic images. Besides, present a magic world with incredible characters that they play a beautiful and important role in the film.
 I saw the movie when I was in the school in Cine Hoyts in La reina, I went with a group of my best friends and we went to all premieres of the trilogy. Are beautiful memories as it was many years ago.
I would recommend this film to people who have much imagination and that enjoy with the fiction cience. The film is very long, but the time pass very fast because is realy amazing. I have not read the books, but I would love to read it. 
My favourite characters are Aragorn and Legolas who are the prince of the men and a warrior elfo respectively. they are the reflex of the force and power that we were give this espectacular film.

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