miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

memorables music videos...!!!

Well, actually I can not imagine life without music, because I love to hear songs every day , music is a faithful companion in the daily routine , to help me think in other things and it makes me feel good.

From childhood I always loved music, and was a key part of my growth , and in my teens . I like to sing and dance , also at school I was in a choir, and was very professional .

The style of music I like is rock rock , metal and hard. But my favorite band is Incubus music , I love . And the music video I remember most is " Sorry" , I like this song , is very deep and intense his lyric is amazing .

Another video that I really like, and I always like to see , is "The Unforgiven II " by Metallica , is very passionate and powerful, expresses many things and feelings with your lyric , is a unforgetable  song and I think that Metallica is the best band , is a legend, a metal monster, I love...!!!

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

A terrible anecdote...XD...!!!!

There many beautiful days that I always remember, but generally I like speak about those moments that I was so happy. I think that the more memorable days, are in family, with friends, the especial people. In general my experiences traveling were are very wonderful, but a day very very terrible for me, happened in summer, when I enjoyed my hollidays with my boyfriend in the south of Chile, in Punta Arenas. A day, when We were walking for the center of city, I felt very sick, because always were going to eat at buffet, because it was so delicious and very very cheap, but this day go for a walking, I felt so bad and I needed a bathroom with too emergency that I felt desperate and I could not move. XD...!!! while my boyfriend that looked me and he laughed with a horror face, because he not know that to do with me...XD !!!! We expect many minutes to make me feel better, but I perspired, but after minutes the physical discomfort is reduced and I will can continue and walk a supermarket and rest...XD!!! I felt very very relieved, and this experience was very trouble but very funny too. I will hope never happen me again..!!!

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

beautiful countries...!!!

There are many interesting countries I would like to meet, but the places that are more appealing to me are in others continents, and one that I would love to visit is New Zealand, because it is a very beautiful country, with spectacular scenery, and it would be a new culture that would know, also have the amazing landscapes. Another place I've always dreamed to know is the African savannah, because I am a fan of animals and nature in general, I will love to meet all its flora and fauna, as well as enabling safaris go all over through all those salvajes animals found in their natural habitat, For me I would to be beautiful and intense moment that I will never forget.
well, I like to travel a lot for the world, but so far I've only met two of our neighboring countries, Argentina and Peru. But soon I hope to raise a lot of money and make all travel to countries that would like to know. I like to travel alone or with my boyfriend, with a family member, or one of my best friends. It would be very special and unique for me, is a dream...!!!

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013


Well, my ideal job would be something related to travel and explore many countries, so many amazing places and meet new cultures.
 I also like to work outdoors in any reserve or national park, belonging to CONAF or something, allowing me to be in touch with nature, animals and see beautiful landscapes.
I also like to work on something related to extreme sports, because one of my dreams is to have experienced as many of them as rafting, paragliding, parachuting, bungee, etc...
I love nature, because I feel that is relaxing, fun and would be very refreshing to work or earn a living to travel, meet and do activities outdoors. It would also be very special for tour guide somewhere outside of Santiago, and talk about my country is wonderful.