miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

My English...!!!

Hello bloggers...!!!

Generally, always I liked this subject, because I think that is very relevant learn English for our education and our future profesional. This language is a tool very important in the society at present because open the doors for many opportunities to work, because is the predominant language in the world.

An aspect that I would like improve about I know that to English, is more practice my pronunciation and increase one more time my vocabulary and my knowledge in this language. However, I think that in generally and with the help of the teachers in my training from the school until the university is be very important for my develop like student in the time, I learned very very much with them.

Personally, I think that use the English in the blogs is a good way for practice, because each person speak about any interesting topic, is original and a good way for meet people and share experiences and different opinions about some topics, is funny...XD !!!!

In the actuality my English is better, it was improve and a way for practice and strengthen about this subject in addition of the class in the week, I like listen to music in English, sing too, also watch the movies in this language, I think that all is useful for more develop my capacity and I want follow learning about English, also read some articles and international news channels in this language...!!!

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Green Life...!!!

Really I think that the people not have many care with the natural live in general, because we are one more time to make more damage to the world. I now, here in Chile the society dont help to care the environment and I think that is so bad , because the pollution is very very harmful for us and for all type life. Generally, in my house I not recycle, but always that I see containers for recycle I do. In my house only we separate the pieces of papers and the tin, because we give to some people this type of materials for sell and have money. The pieces of glass also to   separate because we carry near of house in a corner where there a big container for the bottles and glasses in general.
My school had containers for recycle, but there was not many information for the students about the recycle. I think that in all places should be there spaces for the recycle and help the environment, because is very very important for us. I think that should have programs in all institution about recycle and care to environment, in schools, universities, companys, etc... because is part of our education know about this topic more relevant for the society.
I love the plants and I care so much, the tree too. I always treat of maintain the litter in your place, and have all my surroundings very clean for contribute to care ours ennvironment :)...!!!!!

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

The perfect song...!!!

A exellent song...!!!

I love music, but the style of music that I like is hard rock and their lyrics are often very aggressive and depressive yet with his musicality are very very powerful songs I love. But I think to choose a song more harmonious and "perfect", I would like to talk about "thank you" by Alanis Morissette, I think it is a song that gives many instances to reflect and think about many issues and factors involved in the life of each of us the feelings and emotions that make it across and emerge different paths and destiny in life, is like to feeling so grateful  of all things, and experiences in the life, and all around us, and believe in people who are in our environment...

It is a very good song, and alanis is a tremendous artist,  singer, I love her style, and I think is one of the most talented female singers and very alternative, and I like many of their songs...!!!

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

memorables music videos...!!!

Well, actually I can not imagine life without music, because I love to hear songs every day , music is a faithful companion in the daily routine , to help me think in other things and it makes me feel good.

From childhood I always loved music, and was a key part of my growth , and in my teens . I like to sing and dance , also at school I was in a choir, and was very professional .

The style of music I like is rock rock , metal and hard. But my favorite band is Incubus music , I love . And the music video I remember most is " Sorry" , I like this song , is very deep and intense his lyric is amazing .

Another video that I really like, and I always like to see , is "The Unforgiven II " by Metallica , is very passionate and powerful, expresses many things and feelings with your lyric , is a unforgetable  song and I think that Metallica is the best band , is a legend, a metal monster, I love...!!!

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

A terrible anecdote...XD...!!!!

There many beautiful days that I always remember, but generally I like speak about those moments that I was so happy. I think that the more memorable days, are in family, with friends, the especial people. In general my experiences traveling were are very wonderful, but a day very very terrible for me, happened in summer, when I enjoyed my hollidays with my boyfriend in the south of Chile, in Punta Arenas. A day, when We were walking for the center of city, I felt very sick, because always were going to eat at buffet, because it was so delicious and very very cheap, but this day go for a walking, I felt so bad and I needed a bathroom with too emergency that I felt desperate and I could not move. XD...!!! while my boyfriend that looked me and he laughed with a horror face, because he not know that to do with me...XD !!!! We expect many minutes to make me feel better, but I perspired, but after minutes the physical discomfort is reduced and I will can continue and walk a supermarket and rest...XD!!! I felt very very relieved, and this experience was very trouble but very funny too. I will hope never happen me again..!!!

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

beautiful countries...!!!

There are many interesting countries I would like to meet, but the places that are more appealing to me are in others continents, and one that I would love to visit is New Zealand, because it is a very beautiful country, with spectacular scenery, and it would be a new culture that would know, also have the amazing landscapes. Another place I've always dreamed to know is the African savannah, because I am a fan of animals and nature in general, I will love to meet all its flora and fauna, as well as enabling safaris go all over through all those salvajes animals found in their natural habitat, For me I would to be beautiful and intense moment that I will never forget.
well, I like to travel a lot for the world, but so far I've only met two of our neighboring countries, Argentina and Peru. But soon I hope to raise a lot of money and make all travel to countries that would like to know. I like to travel alone or with my boyfriend, with a family member, or one of my best friends. It would be very special and unique for me, is a dream...!!!

martes, 1 de octubre de 2013


Well, my ideal job would be something related to travel and explore many countries, so many amazing places and meet new cultures.
 I also like to work outdoors in any reserve or national park, belonging to CONAF or something, allowing me to be in touch with nature, animals and see beautiful landscapes.
I also like to work on something related to extreme sports, because one of my dreams is to have experienced as many of them as rafting, paragliding, parachuting, bungee, etc...
I love nature, because I feel that is relaxing, fun and would be very refreshing to work or earn a living to travel, meet and do activities outdoors. It would also be very special for tour guide somewhere outside of Santiago, and talk about my country is wonderful.

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

My name is Sofia Quezada, I´m twenty five years old, I was born in Santiago and I live in the Maipu comune whit may grandfather Erasmo, grandmother Sofia and my brother Carlos.
I study Geography in the University of Chile in Santiago. I work all week in the afternoon before of the university in a supermarket in the Pudahuel comune, is a very good work but so tired.
In my house I have many pets, because a love the animals, I have a dog, three cats, two hamsters, one turtle and a spider, and all of them are so special for me.
The weekend I like go the cinema whit my boyfriend, I have a relationship of six years wiht him and I´m so happy, I like too go to the parties whit my friends, go to the park because I love the natural live and share with friends or my family outdoors. I like sleep a lot too.
In my holidays I like travel with my boyfriend and meet beautiful places and other peolple. I like camp, visit the Nathional Parks and practice trekking.
Well this is my life in a few words, but in general I have very wonderful moments and I´m very happy.

Good bye

lunes, 29 de julio de 2013

the end...!!!

hello bloggers...!!

My personal opinion on the experience of having a blog is very comfortable, because you can review all the different topics that are published, it is also very entertaining because it is a playful and practical way to learn English, as I think it is a very unconsciously teaches us useful slowly develop ourselves better and comunircarnos and interact with peers and share interesting perspectives, give my opinion in regard to all the issues and get to know the other bloggers, is very nice. I think the blog more attractive was to Charlotte, because it was so beautiful and well structured, to music was the best, but the blog reading that I liked best was that of my friend Anita because I love her and she is a very happy and fun. I think I can only say positive things about having a blog, because I had never had one and I found very useful and fun to share.

jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

The TV show...

When I was a kid I loved watching television, because television programs were very interesting and fun, but I liked the children programanas as Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, Remi, etc.. But there is one I particularly liked, that was Spartacus and the sun beneath the sea is the title given to the French animated series Les Mondes engloutis ("The worlds engulfed") consisting of two seasons 26 episodes each, produced by France Animation and Antenna 2. The series was broadcast in Spain and Latin America with great success in the early 90s. I loved this series because when I was like seven years or so and went to school only thought to get home to watch TV and see Spartacus because it was a beautiful story of many feelings and very emotional, the story was fantastic, as I seems that taught us about the value of life, nature and family. He also taught me about the interaccración with people and my friends, was a world in which faith and positive vibes prevailed and were opposed constantly fighting against the evil that threatened them and the kids had a leading role to save and care for your world called Arcadia.

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

A Photograph


A pothograph that I love me, was taken in an amazing place to visit in the summer of 2010. It is a beautiful landscape of southern Chile, located in Patagonia, is the Torres del Paine National Park.
I love this photograph because they appreciate the majesty of the Paine Massif and the beauty of Lake Pehoe with its turquoise water is unforgettable landscape.
In the park I spent a week visiting the different places, and natural attractions it offers, also is very rich in flora and fauna, there are many native wildlife.
 This place is near Puerto Natales where there are beautiful places to visit, and there are very good and cheap hostels to stay for several days. Also visits a penguin reserve that is located on an island located in the Strait of Magellan called cupcake island is really beautiful.
This place is amazing, but the only thing bad is that all the places are very expensive, but we must look for the cheapest prices, plus the tours are very convenient and very popular visit and unmissable places to meet, as the glaciers in Argentina and those who are within the park. For all this it is an unforgettable place to visit, I went with my boyfriend and the trip was wonderful.



A place that I like very much is a restaurant of italian food named "Piccolino", is a pizzeria handmade very popular and traditional, is not expensive and the pizzas is delicious and originals, also delivers pizza delivery and the offer includes 2x1, very good . Is a place for go to the family and friends, but I like go to my boyfriend.

Another restaurant that the teacher mentioned is "Golfo di Napoli", I love this place, the italian food is exquisited, and the dishes they serve are huge, and is a very welcoming place and the attention is excellent, it is also important to say that is located in the commune of Providencia, is a perfect place to go to eat and have a good time.

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

Hello friends:

The truth is there are many  famous people interesting to know, but there an actor in particuar that I'd love to meet because I find very talented and I really like his movies and all the characters you have made. This actor is Johnny Depp, I would like to tell him everything I admire your work, in addition to talk me about his experiences filming movies.

It would also be very interesting to ask what has been the character that he liked to perform, and what has been the most difficult to achieve. Ask him what his favorite movie and an celebrity him that admire or who was inspired to become an actor.

I would go with him to his home to meet his extravagant tastes, meet his family, and share a meal with him and to show me the current project you are working on, and if has social ambitions and charitable projects. Finally, I would like that will visit Chile with me.

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

London city!!

I think that the London city is a very interesting place to know, has many tourist places to visit with friends and family. Plus I would love to travel to the cathedral of football, because I'm a fan of the sport.

I would like to know and learn about the culture and history of London, also try their food and visit typical first class performances on display, in addition to go to all the museums and art galleries.

Well, I hope someday I will make travel to England and meet the Wembley stadium because is amazing and is a dream for me, besides of visit its main attractions.

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

The art is not my favourite topic, but I like the painting about animals or landscapes, beacuse I love the natural world and it's perfection.
The painting that I like very much, it's named "The magics animals", and I think that the name of the artwork is precise for the meaning to express all about the animals. I like the colours that use, because is expressive and very powerful.

Also is very interesting the mix of colors and the fusion of different animals manage to see in the painting.
I think it's work full of beauty and freshness that expresses the elegance of nature and its importance to human beings.

These painting are of a Colombian painter named Horacio Santamaria Villamizar, he is not very popular or famous, but I love your work in relation to the thematic uses, and I think it has a lot of talent.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

A Beach...!!!
Well, the last summer I traveled to the north of Chile, that is really amazing,  and is renowned for the beauty of its beaches. The truth is that I saw that really has too beautiful beaches, which contrast with the arid and desertic landscape.

 I visited the most beautiful beach of Chile according to several rankings made to various organizations and people in general. This beach is called "virgin beach" and is located about an hour of English Bay, and is super hard to get because the ride is very irregular, you need a good vehicle to cross the road to the beach.

Upon reaching the beach, was very impressed by her beauty, is truly heavenly landscape, loved it and I think really deserves the first place. It is a small beach, which looks like a real pool, and the color of the sea is turquoise, besides being very warm and pleasant water for bathing.
I think it is a beach that is worth knowing, I hope they do, is beautiful.

A film...!!!
I love go to the cinema because is very fun but I like see films in house to with my family, friends and my boyfriend. My favourite movie is "The lord of the rings", because is a amazing story and have a fantastic images. Besides, present a magic world with incredible characters that they play a beautiful and important role in the film.
 I saw the movie when I was in the school in Cine Hoyts in La reina, I went with a group of my best friends and we went to all premieres of the trilogy. Are beautiful memories as it was many years ago.
I would recommend this film to people who have much imagination and that enjoy with the fiction cience. The film is very long, but the time pass very fast because is realy amazing. I have not read the books, but I would love to read it. 
My favourite characters are Aragorn and Legolas who are the prince of the men and a warrior elfo respectively. they are the reflex of the force and power that we were give this espectacular film.

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

hello bloggers...!!!
In this chance I will write about my ambitions in the future respect to my life, and I think that is very important have dreams and objectives for achieve in the future because is very inspirational and motivational for the follow a good way.
Principally my first and big ambition is finish my career and be professional, work in my area and be very efficient and successful.
Respect to my emotional life, I would like be happy and have a stable family and achieve build a strong home with the person appropriate for share all a life.
In this moment of my life, the time, my preferences are focus in take care my family and my friends, also achieve travel for the world but shortly I would like go to the world cup Brazil 2014 because I like the football and Brazil is a country very interesting and beautiful to visit, for your people, culture and landscapes. I like meet new people and share different experiences.
The ambitions that i have are motivated for my ideas, lifestyle, family and my dreams, and comply would be too comforting and motivating to continue to achieve more objetives. I think eventually everyone's ambitions are very important to be persistent in everything you propose to achieve in the life.

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

Hello bloggers!!!
The music is amazing, I love the music and is part of my life every day. My favourite song is "Pardon me" by american band named Incubus, is my favourite band too, it´s an old song and heard it for the first time a many years in the school, fourteen years around. The style of the band and of the song is rock.
These lyrics I think point to something deeper. It´s about contemplative prayer described as the deep consuming fire of gods love experienced by those pursuing him in the quietude in the interior. This union is a fire, the fire, that sets first the individual, next the world, ablaze with the undying and transforming the spirit. It relates to burning himself as a form of suicide to escape the ridiculous aspects of human life. I like this song because is really passionate and very very sensitive, although your lyrics is very strong, make you reflect on the life and have more strength for face the reality and the problems.
The song is very powerful, you must listen to it.

martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

"Trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen" is a Aleman book and it mean "Man´s search for meaning". The book was written by an Austrian psychiatrist named Viktor Frankl. The book is very interesting and I like because speaks about the terrible experience and miserable life of a  man in the concentration camps in the era Nazi, the man suffer many tortures and unfair penaltys. Is a incredible and sad history, and is perfect for learn to value the life, the family and the exist meaning with the other people in the world.
I read this book in the school in philosophy course, when I was sixteen years old.
Is a great book for read in any moment and think about the life and the tolerance between the different persons, with other thought.

martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

My life in a few words...

My name is Sofía, and I´m twenty four years old, I was born in Santiago and I live with may grandparents and my brother in Maipú. I have many pets, one dog, three cats, two hamsters, one turtle and one spider, they are very special for me. I work all week in the afternoon before of the university in a supermarket in Pudahuel, is a very good job but so tired. The weekend I like go to the cinema with my boyfriend, go to the parties and sleep a lot. In my holydays I like travel and meet many beautiful places with my friends and my family.

Well this is my life in a few words, but in general I have very wonderful moments and I´m very happy.

Good bye...